Pone:86-0577-64219555 Fxa:86-0577-26828538 Mobile:15867706033 linkman:Mr chen QQ: website:lg189.cn Email:Sales@wzfyys.cn address: No.1-11,Second Jinchai Avenue,Wenzhou City,Zhejaing Prov. China
About us Wenzhou Fuyuan printing Co., LTD. is a large-scale printing enterprise, specialized in dealing with labels of web-fed, self adhesive, Anti-falsification,PVC, PC printing, removable cloth, clothes, drugs, batteries, and cosmetics,etc. It is our company that invented the web-fed printing skills, known as the best one of fancy printing in Longgang town, Wenzhou city. We possess Lintec LPM-300GT of six and four colors, SANKI of six colors, Taiyo self adhesive printing machine, M-type of 12 colors. Morever, our enterprise has completed and scientific quality management system. Our integrity, power and quality helps to win the aknowlegements in this area.
We do appreciated that friends from all circles visited our company with guidance and for business.
Copyright(C) 2019 Wenzhou fuyuan printing co.,ltd.Address:No.8-8,SongTao Road Avenue,Wenzhou City,Zhejaing Prov. ChinaTEL:86-0577-64219555